Đặt câu với từ "came into the open|come into the open"

1. 17 Whereupon she came out into the open and said she would choose Arts.

2. The debate soon degenerated into open warfare.

3. The submersible, hatch open, pitched into the sea.

4. The Medes and the Persians came into the city at night through gates that had been left open.

5. Luring Rayna to the air strip makes it worth Alex's while to come out into the open.

6. He headed the ball into an open goal .

7. He kicked the ball into an open goal.

8. He spooned the mush into the baby's open mouth.

9. The door into the alleyway was open, giving a clear view into the bakery.

10. These clashes could develop into open warfare.

11. The apostasy against true Christianity would spring into the open.

12. 4 He spooned the mush into the baby's open mouth.

13. In open Comedones, sebum, or oil, gets into an open follicle and combines with

14. Artichoke buds eventually open up into beautiful flowers, so harvesting must take place before the buds open

15. Rivalry between football fans developed into open warfare.

16. Wind the film back into the cartridge before you open the camera.

17. This room leads into the scullery where there's an open range.

18. Azarenka Blitzes Mertens to dance into US Open semis

19. Prisoner discontent eventually boiled over into open prison rebellion.

20. Mike will be welcomed back into the team with open arms.

21. This student loans scheme has degenerated into open shambles.

22. If the radon escapes into the open air, it will soon disappear.

23. The greatest city in the world is turning into an open sewer.

24. The door sprang open and he came in.

25. Turn impossible Commerce experiences into reality with the flexibility of open SaaS

26. Flying in formation, they try to drive their quarry into the open.

27. At times party rivalries have broken out into open warfare.

28. + 28 I came as the Father’s representative and have come into the world.

29. 14 The door was suddenly pushed open and he burst into the house.

30. 24 She found the side-door open and slipped into the house unseen.

31. An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.

32. A sneak thief can easily dip into an open handbag!

33. A sneaky thief can easily dip into an open handbag!

34. Parliament came out in open revolt against the president.

35. Breaths: Hold open the airway, pinch the nose, and blow air into the mouth

36. The Benchwork design evolved into a boxed frame design with an open front

37. They loaded us into an open truck and paraded us through the town.

38. Breaths: Hold open the airway, pinch the nose, and blow air into the mouth

39. All we need to do is just lure them out into the open.

40. A portfolio approach would keep entry into the managerial profession open and flexible.

41. They passed through another set of doors and out into the open air.

42. Anastomose - come together or open into each other; "the blood vessels Anastomose" inosculate conjoin , join - make contact or come together; "The two roads join here"

43. The path emerges from the gorge into an open amphitheatre with slopes all around.

44. I feel that I can run into any man's open arms.

45. JB: And you move from there into that open, cavernous space.

46. In through the open door came Marco's parrot, chirping merrily.

47. The egg cracked open and out came a baby chick.

48. 3 When you threw me to the depths, into the heart of the open sea,

49. 13 Parliament came out in open revolt against the president.

50. After picking up the doctor, I set out through the fjord into the open sea.

51. 2 Recent developments in the area have brought latent ethnic tension out into the open.

52. Example : I'd let sleeping dogs lie and not re - open the investigation into the crime.

53. Claude-Alain Bugnon was one of the first clandestine distillers to come out into the open after the Swiss ban on absinthe was lifted in 2005.

54. The Barnacles will open the top of the shell and extend the Cirri into the water

55. Burst: to break open or into pieces usually because of internal pressure

56. Diana Hoppe went into partnership to open Aesthetically pleasing Medical Spa, Inc.

57. 10 Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it.

58. When an open-chain monosaccharide Cyclizes into a ring, it forms a _____

59. Open up - watch the hard rasp as the key slides into the lock - and step inside.

60. Pick this up and insert the cooked chicken leg into the Carnivore to open the door.

61. He flung the door open and caught them stuffing a document back into a briefcase.

62. Those were not the consideration that drove this rapacious beast from his den into the open!

63. The notary gave Broussac a vigorous shove which sent my companion sprawling into the open sewer.

64. The device extends downstream into the air intake duct and has an open inlet end for channeling the air-fuel mixture into the device.

65. 30 In through the open door came Marco's parrot, chirping merrily.

66. They feed during dawn and dusk, by moving into open water or approaching the shore.

67. Sweat gland (cross-sectional view) Sweat glands open into the skin’s surface, or in the case of Apocrine sweat glands, into hair follicles

68. So he threw open the gates and welcomed all baptized persons into full church membership.

69. Sylvia watched, mesmerised, as Estelle peed over the man's face and into his open mouth.

70. The rural workforce has been flowing into the cities ever since open door policy was adopted.

71. I swung open the heavy glass door into the mall only to see an incredible sight .

72. During the high season from October to May, these galleries stay open late into the night.

73. In fact, he instinctively stepped backwards into the plantation as the car door was thrown open.

74. Not that the profession was necessarily going to welcome me into the fold with open arms.

75. Containerize Containerize provides insight into the top enterprise open source software. Leverage free open source software to automate all business functions from marketing to sales.

76. Come into the house.

77. Given sufficient magnification, of course, all open clusters can be resolved into stars.

78. Some plants have mechanisms that ensure autogamy, such as flowers that do not open (cleistogamy), or stamens that move to come into contact with the stigma.

79. We therefore invite you to look into these matters with an open mind.

80. I glimpsed Mathilda's white face then ran into the gallery, pushing open the door to the solar.